Koren Specific Technique (KST)
KST is a detailed, comprehensive combination of hands-on diagnosis and adjustment that makes use of both
manual pressure and a special device called an Arthrostim. A KST consists of three phases. In the "challenging"
phase we perform a detailed analysis of every part of the body.
We then check your body for nerve signaling impairments. This involves a diagnostic known as “occipital drop” in
which we check the alignment of the base of your skull you exert various muscles. If one side of the head droops
during a particular exertion, we have found a misalignment. In the final “correcting” phase, we use the Arthrostim to
make corrections as you sit, stand or move in various ways.
This thoroughness takes time, but it also ensures that we have corrected the underlying problem completely.
In this way we can successfully treat facial or TMJ symptoms, headaches, migraines, menstrual or digestive issues,
carpal tunnel syndrome, and even chronic muscle conditions such as fibromyalgia. Many of our patients are
surprised to learn that their pain and weakness have become aggravated by years of old injuries that accumulated in
the body’s “memory.” KST allows us to retrace and resolve these issues.

Pediatric Adjusting
Pediatric Adjusting helps treat children with adjustment disorders. Adjustment disorders are a mental health condition in which a child has an unusually strong or long-lasting reaction to an upsetting event. The event can be anything that’s important to the child, such as a death in the family or moving to a new house or school. Children with an adjustment disorder have a hard time coping with their feelings about the event and show signs of anxiety, depression or behavior problems. It can happen to kids and teenagers of any age and usually lasts less than six months.
The symptoms of adjustment disorders can look very different in different children. The main thing is that a child with adjustment disorder will act or feel noticeably different from the way they did before the stressful event. Some common signs of an adjustment disorder include:
Trouble sleeping
Crying a lot
Avoiding school, family and friends

Cranial Release Technique (CRT)
The Cranial Release Technique (CRT) incorporates a hands-on process that facilitates a release of long-standing fixation and strain within the cranial-dural system. In CRT we refer to this as Cranio-Dural Stress Syndrome. The release provided by CRT causes a relaxation of nervous system, fascial, and muscle tissue tension throughout the entire body, as well as a return to proper cerebrospinal fluid flow and dynamics. This is further accompanied by a reintegration of the brain hemispheres. This allows the brain and central nervous system, as well as the body’s energy meridian system, to move to a higher, more organized level of function. A return to health and a restoration of balance in the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of life naturally follows.
For most practitioners, CRT provides the ability to help a much more diverse group of people seeking care.
Cranial Release Technique offers great help to individuals dealing with the stress of modern day life and its
negative effects on health and overall quality of life. The Cranial Release Technique® Process affects portions of
the nervous system and its function that simply are not accessible through spinal manipulation or soft tissue
techniques. As a result, stress is relieved, better and more lasting corrections are achieved, and quality of life is
enhanced. With CRT, you will be the specialized practitioner in your community who has something truly new
and unique to offer.

Emotional Freeedom Technique (EFT)
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as "tapping", is a method that some individuals have found
helpful in managing their emotions. During EFT, individuals tap certain points on their body - similar to the
points used during acupuncture. Tapping was first introduced in the 1990s by Gary Craig, a Stanford graduate
and certified master practitioner of neurolinguistic programming.
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a method some people use to help manage emotions and troubling
thoughts. They may also use it to lower their stress and anxiety. For example, EFT may help calm you if you're
feeling angry. Or it may help ease your thoughts if you're worried about something.
that EFT can help with certain conditions, including:
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Improving some types of physical pain
Fostering better sleep and sleep patterns
Diminishing cravings
Maximizing creativity
Improving performance

Diversified Adjusting
The Diversified technique is one of the most commonly practiced techniques by chiropractors around the world.
The Diversified technique involves your chiropractor manually placing pressure through the affected vertebral
segment in order to restore proper movement.
This technique is a safe and effective way of relieving stiffness and pain. It is also the technique most commonly
associated with a “popping” noise, which is simply gas being released from the joint as it is unlocked.
As with most chiropractic adjustments, the Diversified technique is generally painless and often quite pleasant.
Patients will usually experience an instant sense of relief, while mild general soreness may occur for a few days
following the treatment.
It is often said that chiropractors put your joints “back in place” but this isn’t really the case. Through the Diversified
technique, our doctors restore movement and function to the affected joints as well as your nervous system. This
can have a positive impact on a wide range of areas in your body, relieving the symptoms related to:
Neck pain
Back pain
Headaches and migraines
Rib pain
Chronic conditions
Sports injuries